November 11, 2012

The Return of #DailyBookPic!

Remember how back in July I took a bunch of pictures of my books? Well, #dailybookpic is happening again this November, and I couldn't resist playing along. (Besides, it gives my Instagram followers* a break from all Eleanor all the time.) Here are the pics from the first third of the month.

Day 1 - Scary Story. (Not scary precisely... but the scariest book I have that's unpacked!)

Scary Story

Day 2 - Reading in the dark. (Sometimes at night I totally just lie in bed and listen to audiobooks, because holding a book sounds like a lot of work).

Reading in the dark

 Day 3 -  Reading while eating. (Eleanor's Halloween haul has mysteriously been shrinking for several days now...)

Reading while eating.

 Day 4 - Weekend reading. (While Eleanor napped and Noel watched football. A blissfully perfect Sunday afternoon).

Weekend reading.

Day 5 - Seasonal reads. Eleanor and I have been enjoying lots of Thanksgiving picture books!

Day 6 - Book buying. I haven't been buying books (purposely - because of moving this week**) except for digital audio books.

Day 7 - Book art. I have some really awesome book Christmas ornaments hiding somewhere in the minefield that is our garage right now. In December I'll have to show 'em to you! But, in the mean time, pretty bookmarks are about as close to book art as I get.

Day 8 - Book drop. I think the mail lady is grumpy about all the books I get in the mail. She likes to drop them on the front porch with quite a thud.

Day 9 - Wish I'd skipped it. I really did not enjoy this book, much to Noel's sadness.

Day 10 - Read while waiting. I read The Missing Rose for review in the car dealership on Monday, while we waited for some very expensive car repairs, and Eleanor played with a giant inflatable turkey.

What have YOU been taking pictures of?

*I'm jessquirkybookworm. Feel free to send me a follow request - I just made my profile private instead of public, because I was getting tons of spammy comments on my photos and it was bugging me.
**Hooray! I've only been talking about it for almost four months...