September 10, 2013

A Little Bit of This and That

My workout is reading in bed until my arms hurt.
Found on Pinterest.

Why hello there!

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to neglect you for so long. But, what with doctor's appointments and family in from out of town, and the fact that we have a desktop, not a laptop, and our desk chair is indubitably not meant for very pregnant bodies...

But while I was not on the computer, I read some things. Hooray! I'm only up to 80 books for the year though; which sounds better than it really is. Because I read 63 books in the first six months of the year, but only 17 since then. Oh well. C'est la vie.

I read Longbourn, a retelling of Pride and Prejudice from the servants' perspective. I really liked it. Even though it made the Bennets surprisingly unsympathetic. I'm working on a review for Shelf Awareness - more thoughts on it later. (Oh, and the publication date isn't till October. So don't get all antsy yet!)

And I'm reading The Best American Travel Writing of 2013, which is NOT helping my wanderlust. Taking a newborn to Cuba or Vietnam is totally a good idea, right?

Lest you worry that I will abandon you completely when the Jellybean arrives; I've lined up a handful of really awesome guest posters that I'm super-duper excited about. Plus I've saved up a few book reviews that I'll schedule in advance. But I'm sure I'll also be popping in with a fair number of baby-centric posts; because let's face it: basically zero reading will be happening in the month of October.

In the meantime, I'll keep working on the nursery with Eleanor's "assistance". And - I think that the bookish nursery art I alluded to on Facebook is going to work out! Don't worry, if I successfully complete it, I will post about one zillion pictures.

What have YOU been up to?