Due to the fact I didn't realize that "January 31" and "February 2" are in fact BOTH next weekend, I managed to way overschedule us. I have, among other things, a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
viewing party (wrapping up month one of the Young Adult Book and Movie Club), a brunch for the women's group I lead at church, a Sherlock-season-finale viewing party, and a Super Bowl party to attend.
I'm way into Pinterest as a result of all of the above: the pressure is on for cute (non-dairy, non-soy, non-citrus, non-chocolate) snacks! I think I've figured out what to make for two of the things: breadsticks like this (aka "Ollivander's wands"!) and a dip similar to this. I also spent a solid hour the other day reorganizing pins; splitting my "holiday ideas" board into separate "fall holiday" and "valentine crafts and food" and etc. That was mostly because Juliet fell asleep on me, and I didn't want to move, so I figured I was at least being semi-productive on my phone. (Humor me, I need all the pretense at productivity I can get!)
Juliet's Voice
Juliet found her voice with a vengeance in the last week or so. She's constantly growling and cooing and yelling and squawking, clearly pleased with herself for making so much noise. She's obviously going to be just as chatty as Eleanor (and me, ha)! Poor Noel, he's never going to get a word in edgewise.
Oh how much I've loved the last two episodes of Sherlock. And oh how sad I am that the season is only three episodes long! Sniffle. Biggest Loser finally got more interesting once it went back to two hour episodes instead of one (I never thought I'd say it: but I missed the drama this season!). And Noel and I have been having mini-marathons of Parks and Rec, because we have so many seasons to catch up on. I'm surprised how much I like it, since I never liked The Office, and it seemed like the same sort of show to me.
The Library
Ever since Juliet was born I'd only done quick run-in-and-grab-things-I-had-reserved stops, because I was worried about crying-baby-in-a-quiet-place syndrome. But Eleanor and I both missed story time, and our leisurely picture book hunts, so we started up again in mid-January.
We've read a ton of great books (like There's No Such Thing as Monsters), and I'm debating how to track the picture books. Perhaps I'll make another Goodreads account just for kids' books? Or maybe I don't care that much about Goodreads stats, and I'll just add her books to my account. (Speaking of kids' books - I'm extending the Brady Needs a Nightlight Giveaway through tomorrow night. There are only five entries so far, go leave a comment!)
What are YOU into?
Planning to link up with Leigh Kramer. This post contains my affiliate links, thanks for supporting QB!