October 23, 2014

31 Days of Book Pics: Day 23 - Throwback Books

As I mentioned in my Bookish post yesterday, I've always loved reading. So I thought I'd do a throwback post to some more of my childhood favorites. As a kid, I devoured pretty much anything and everything; but I found that I often re-read my favorite fantasy series. Books like The Prydain Chronicles and The Dark is Rising sequence are still on my re-read list every couple of years.

My other favorites were historical fiction books. I adored Ann Rinaldi and Scott O'Dell and Patricia Beatty. It makes me happy to find some of my old favorites on the library shelves; and I can't wait till Eleanor is old enough to read  them. I'm envisaging a Mom-Daughter book club in a few years, which should be fun.

What are some of YOUR old favorites?

Unfamiliar with 31 Days? Here's my post explaining all the details of my 31 Days of Book Pics Project. Find all of my #31bookpics here. Find me on Instagram here. And don't forget to share your own Throwback Books pics online with the hashtag #31bookpics!