July 21, 2016

July Reading Plan: New on the Stack

Consider this post the virtual version of adding something you've already done at the end of a list, just so you can have the joy of checking it off! Here's my reading plan for July.

The Paris Librarian by Hugo Marsten

Why: For review
Where I got it: From Shelf Awareness
Did I read it? Yep. It was a little awkward in the first chapter, lots of expository dialogue, but then I ended up really liking it. The Parisian setting was lovely.

Swear on This Life by Renee Carlino
Why: For review
Where I got it: From Shelf Awareness
Did I read it? Yes, I read the whole thing in one day! I couldn't put it down.

Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
Why: as the follow-up to Red Queen
Where I got it: From the library
Did I read it? Halfway. And then I bailed, because I just didn't care at all what happened to Mare.

A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny
Why: For review
Where I got it: From Shelf Awareness
Did I read it? Yes! It was really good. I loved the first part of this series, and then got a little tired of it in the middle, but I really feel like the last book or two have been great again.

Eligible by Curtis Sittenfield
Why: It's been so hyped lately!
Where I got it: From the library
Did I read it? Haven't yet. I have another week till it's due at the library. We shall see if I have time!

The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
Why: For fun; I really liked hearing Carson speak at TFOB in March.
Where I got it: From the library
Did I read it? Haven't gotten to it yet... but hopefully soon! Like Eligible, I have a week left. I think I'll probably pick this one instead of Eligible if I run out of time for both.

The Language of Sisters by Cathy Lamb
Why: For review
Where I got it: From Shelf Awareness
Did I read it? I'm a couple of chapters in. So far so good!

What are YOU reading this month?

This post contains some affiliate links. Thanks for supporting Quirky Bookworm! And, I'm linking up with the New on the Stack link-up over at the Deliberate Reader.