June was fairly abysmal reading-wise for me - so many books I didn't really like. But Eleanor did super well! She read all the books in that picture in less than 10 days!
Books I Read:
- The Angel's Share - Disliked. Definitely not my kind of book.
- The Vault of Dreamers - Underwhelmed. But gonna try book 2.
- Year of Yes - Loved it! So much! More on that soon.
- Santorini Sunsets - Underwhelmed. This author gets a lot of great reviews on Amazon though; so maybe I'm just not her target audience.
- Doomsday Book - Liked the premise, got really bored by the slow pacing in the middle, enjoyed the end. Debating trying book 2 in the series.
- Brussels Noir - Enjoyed it. A couple of great short stories, a few less interesting. So I gave it 3 stars overall.
Books Still in Progress:
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Maybe I was wrong and I wasn't ready for a reread after all? I've gotta BLAZE through the rest of #harrypotterthon16 if I'm gonna be ready by the 31st!
- The Boys in the Boat - I totally forgot I was reading this, because Juliet somehow reset my kindle to factory settings, so it disappeared. And then I looked at Goodreads, and was like, "Oh yeah!" and re-downloaded it.
- The Paris Librarian - This is ok. Not great so far. But, Deborah Crombie told me she loves this series, so I'm giving it another shot.
Milestones Achieved:
- I pulled Eleanor's tooth by tying floss around it and yanking it out! Just in time to avoid having to pay the dentist for an extraction, haha. So I told the tooth fairy to bring her 2 dollars instead of the usual $1.
- Tucson had its rainiest July 1st in 118 years. It was CRAZY, I don't think I've ever seen rain that hard. We had a small leak in the roof over our dining room; but we luckily have a very handy neighbor who was able to help Noel replace the flashing under the tiles.
- Noel and I watched two entire seasons of Fixer-Upper. I am now totally ready to knock down walls in our house.
- I weaned Juliet. (Finally!) And now in appropriately hormonal fashion I have slightly mixed feelings about being done breastfeeding forever.
- After listening to the Hamilton soundtrack way too many times, I took the plunge and bought Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton on audio. It's more than 36 hours long; but I'm already 9 hours in so far, and I'm loving it. I listened to several hours of it while doing some batch-cooking on the 4th, and it seemed very patriotically apropos.
How was YOUR June?