I got completely sucked into Caragh M. O'Brien's Birthmarked trilogy this month. I really liked Birthmarked, and so I eagerly followed it up with PrizedI also listened to the first Flavia De Luce mystery on audio book (while assembling a beastly complicated bed for Eleanor) and I LOVED it. I've already requested the next couple books in the series from the library - Flavia is such an awesome, clever, slightly bratty detective.
House Updates
Speaking of assembling the bed, we're finally almost done with Eleanor's "big girl room". We decided we'd better hurry up and finish that, and a few other little house projects before we start the nursery. Because I feel like if we don't have them done pre baby-arrival, it'll be years before we get around to it.Magazines
In other long-avoided project news, I finally sorted through some piles of old magazines. This is partly because Noel has been frequently co-opting my phone for Star Wars Angry Birds, so instead of playing phone games I've been reading magazines while we watch tv. Somehow it makes me feel more productive to look at a stack of completed magazines than some random game stats, so I'm feeling quite virtuous!TV
We've been watching a lot lately because we got Netflix again for the first time in about 18 months. So! Many! Shows! We're already all caught up on How I Met Your MotherHair
I cut a foot off my hair. And it's now too short to put up in a bun 24/7 the way I normally do. So I had to drag my blow dryer out from the depths of my cupboard, and I've been actually styling it and stuff. I'm still not used to how strangely light my head feels.Heat Avoidance
The last two days were 108. And it isn't supposed to drop below 104 for at least a week. So the ceiling fans are a-spinning, the wading pool is blown up on the back porch, and I bought a big glass beverage dispenser so that we can have a pitcher of cold drinks available at all times. And I'm thinking I may take Eleanor to her first ever theater movie, mostly just for the air conditioning, ha!
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Linking up with Leigh. This post contains Amazon affiliate links.