Who doesn't love the Anne of Green Gables series? This Quirky Bookworm has always loved them (partly because my middle name is Anne with an E thankyouverymuch). It's funny how you can like something on such different levels as a kid and as an adult though. I've been rereading the Anne books between other books this year, and this week I got to Anne's House of Dreams
Anne and Gilbert get married (FINALLY) as the book opens, and soon move into their new "house of dreams" on the other side of Prince Edward Island from Avonlea. The newlyweds happily settle into their respective routines of country doctor and housewife. Anne makes friends with the indomitable Miss Cornelia Bryant, Captain Jim from the lighthouse, and her beautiful but aloof neighbor. It's kind of ironic that Montgomery fleshes out these other characters so well that Gilbert is the only one who remains rather one dimensional. But you can't help but love Gilbert anyway, right?
This is another excellent entry in the Anne series, and foreshadows a bit of the sadness that will follow in the later books. Anne's students no longer provide the comical relief, but it's supplied by Miss Cornelia's animadversions against men.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Should I recommend it to my grandma? Yep! Bet it's been so long since she read it it'll be a whole new book!
What's your favorite Anne book?
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