- The winner of the $10 Amazon gift card for the June Summer Reading Club Link-Up is Amanda Junkel, who read both The Eyre Affair and The Grand Sophy! Congrats Amanda, I'll be emailing you to get your address! If you want to participate in July's Link-Up (for Pardonable Lies and Drop Dead Healthy); it'll be 7/22. Will you link up in July?
- I'm newly obsessed with Once Upon a Time. I've watched five episodes in the last 3 days! All spring I had to avert my eyes from Megan at Sorta Crunchy's Once Upon a Time Tuesday posts, and now I'm looking forward to going back and reading them! Do you watch OUAT?
- Eleanor likes the Pigeon books by Mo Willems, and her cousin Ezra is a huge fan. I enjoyed Kelly Wiggain's review of his Elephant and Piggie books this week. "They don't make me want to stab my my eyes out with ballpoint pens" is a pretty good kid book recommendation for me! Do you like Mo Willems' books?
- Kathy at Bermuda Onion's "Wondrous Words Wednesday" posts are a lot of fun. I think I'm going to start working friable into conversation. What words have you recently learned?
We have a nice lazy weekend ahead! Hopefully a few trips to the neighborhood pool, maybe a McDonald's lunch for air-conditioned play, and some barbecue time with friends!
What do you have planned?