October 16, 2013

What I've Been Reading (and Re-Reading, Because I'm SO BLONDE)

First of all, if you're going to read Stories I Only Tell My Friends - do it on audio. Then you get to listen to Rob Lowe talk to you for almost 10 hours! 

Secondly, thank goodness for friends who are willing to explain book things to me, and who don't laugh when they realize I only read 80% of the first book in a quartet.

I downloaded the audiobook to The Raven Boys last summer... and apparently only downloaded the first 4 parts somehow. Which explains why I thought that The Raven Boys had such a cliffhangery ending. And then why I was THOROUGHLY confused when I tried to start reading The Dream Thieves.

I texted Meghan saying, "What's all this about a sacrifice? It's only been 2 months since I finished book 1, but I'm so lost. Pregnancy brain?" And she was like, "Well, Dream Thieves starts basically right where Raven Boys left off, with Ronan admitting that _______. " And I said, "WHAT? I thought it ended when so-and-so tried to shoot so-and-so." And then you can see the rest of our exclamation-heavy text conversation.

But never fear - I went back and read the last 20% of The Raven Boys (and loved it), and then read The Dream Thieves, and loved it even more. And now I have to wait at least a year for book 3. (Tragic sigh).

But I kept up my young adult fantasy streak by reading Emerald Green, the end of the Ruby Red trilogy. I loved it - pure book candy, and so much fun! They're teen romance/ time travel lit at their best.

And Eleanor and I checked out Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise from the library right after I wrote my Great Halloween Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers post - so it didn't make the cut. It's really cute story about Mercy the Pig, and the adventures that happen when her owners dress her up like a princess for Halloween. To my surprise, Eleanor keeps requesting it, even though it takes me about 15 minutes to read it all the way through each time. I'd say it's probably intended for the 4 - 7 year old range.

What have YOU been reading? 
Ever accidentally not-finished a book?