In the spirit of Thanksgiving (which all too often gets overlooked these days, as stores switch straight from Halloween to Christmas); Eleanor and I have been doing some baking, reading lots of Thanksgiving books, watching the Peanuts' Mayflower episode over and over (and over) again, and making some Thanksgiving crafts.
Last year we essentially did this craft. This year since she's a bit more dexterous with scissors, and I have a lot of toilet paper rolls saved up, I think we'll make this one and this one.
In addition to the Thanksgiving books I already mentioned in my 5 Great Thanksgiving Books for Kids post, we've also been reading a lot of The Story of Thanksgiving and Happy Thanksgiving, Curious George (which is incredibly cute, I'll have to update that other post!).
Thanks to Charlie Brown, Eleanor is completely obsessed with the Mayflower. I might have to make some sort of boat craft with her... I don't know. I think handprint turkeys is about as complicated as I get!
I'm re-reading Constance: A Story of Early Plymouth (which I reviewed here), as my own tribute to the season. And we made the Mini Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins which are rather poorly pictured at left. I wrote up the recipe on my old blog, way back in 2008, and our camera back then was rather terrible, my apologies. But the muffins themselves are complètement délicieux, and incredibly easy to make, which is a win-win in my book.
I'm also seriously considering this Pumpkin Challah Bread recipe, if I can find the time. It sounds so good!
Do YOU like pumpkin?
Did YOU watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving as a kid?
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