October 19, 2012

31 Days of Awesome Kids' Books: Katie John

Katie John by Mary Calhoun

Katie John (named for her grandfather) is upset that her family has left California for Missouri. Her Great-Aunt Emily left them a huge old house in Missouri, and now Katie John doesn't get to go to camp.

But, the house soon starts winning her over. For one thing, a little girl named Sue lives just down the street, and she and Katie John are soon best friends. For another thing, the house is almost 100 years old, and full of mysteries and treasures: like a dumbwaiter and secret tunnels. Katie John and Sue undertake all sorts of adventures: selling lemonade, biking down the old covered bridge, finding out why Great Aunt Emily never married, and discovering strange bones in the garden out back.

This book is a lot of fun; and it's the first in a series of books starring Katie John. I remember loving these as a kid, and when I reread this one I got all excited about getting to read it to Eleanor in a few more years. I think it would make a perfect bedtime read-aloud book for younger elementary kids, because the chapters aren't too long, and each chapter is one separate adventure. And, Katie John is enough of a tomboy that even boys should enjoy her adventures. It's refreshing to read a book where the main character is a smart, spunky, accident-prone girl. The books are unfortunately out of print, but used copies are pretty cheap on Amazon.

Have you ever read any Katie John books?

Rating: 4 out of 5
Recommended age: 5-10

This post is day 19 of my 31 Days of Awesome Kids' Books.This post contains Amazon affiliate links. 
