March 12, 2013

Classics Catch-Up Challenge: Shakespeare!

Meeting Maggie Stiefvater at the Tucson Festival of Books
Getting my copy of THE SCORPIO RACES signed by Maggie Stiefvater.

I still haven't uploaded all of my pics from the Tucson Festival of Books, oops. If you like the Quirky Bookworm Facebook page you already saw the photo above (and several others), so that can tide you over till I get my act together.

But in the meantime, I thought I'd send out a little reminder for those of you participating in the Classics Catch-Up Challenge.

 The March-April picks are:


I took a Shakespeare class in high school, and another at NAU, and both times the curriculum included Hamlet and Othello, but not Macbeth. And I read King Lear a few years ago, but for some reason I never got to "the Scottish play". That's why I picked Macbeth as my main classic to "catch-up" on this time. If I have time I'll also re-read the other two picks, because I love both of those plays.

I'm excited to finally read Macbeth! How about you?

What's your favorite Shakespeare play?