This has been a rough week in the Howard household. We took turns with a violent flu, which has left us all rather shaky and tired. But we're all feeling a little better now, and slowly resuming our normal routines.
In between endless loads of laundry, I sat around and read a lot, because I didn't have energy for anything else.
I read Elswyth Thane's Dawn's Early Light
That made me stop to ponder, and realize that actually 4 books is about my limit. When I re-read Harry Potter I took a break between books 4 and 5, and when I read the Temeraire books I read 4 books in a week, and then had to take a break.
So now I'm curious: when you read obsessively do you have a limit?
Do you keep reading till the series is done?
Or do you savor a series one book at a time?
P.S. The Williamsburg books are SUPERB historical fiction. Full review coming soon, once I've finished them.
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