What I'm Reading (and Awkwardly Publicly Crying About)
Thanks for all your suggestions on what to read next! I ended up reading Mary Stewart's My Brother Michael, and now I've started Georgette Heyer's The Masqueraders. They're both perfect for my mood right now - light, entertaining, but well-written. I also started an audio book called Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala - which details her life after her husband, two sons, and parents all died in the 2004 tsunami in south Asia. I'm reviewing it for Shelf Awareness, and it's really good, in a very difficult way. Perhaps not the best choice while pregnant though; I've already started crying about six times and I'm barely on disc 2. I was listening to it while walking through Target, but randomly burst into tears and had to turn it off. Oh the awkwardness of sad audiobooks. I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and didn't even mind the 45 minute wait, since I got to read a big chunk of The Masqueraders. I have another one tomorrow... and I'm secretly kind of hoping for another wait.