Here are my quick takes on the books I read on our little getaway weekend...
Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe: A Novel with Recipes
by Jenny Colgan. It followed quite predictable chick-lit guidelines, but was still very fun. Made me (a) want to go back to London and (b) bake delicious things. One thumb up.
What Darkness Brings: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery
by C.S. Harris. As expected, I looooved this. Full review (and giveaway!) soon. Two thumbs up.
Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes
by Shauna Niequest. I started this one, but it made me tear up a few times. So I decided it's best for reading in bits and pieces, one or two essays at a time, rather than sitting down and devouring it as a vacation read. One thumb up (so far).
by Caragh M. O'Brien. Hands down the most addicting of the books I read in Show Low. In fact, Sunday when we got back I requested Prized
(the sequel) at the library, and I've already read that whole one too! Now I'm eagerly waiting for Promised. I really like Gaia Stone, the 16 year old midwife whose adventures in the Enclave and the Wasteland and Sylum are fascinating, and inevitably revolve around questions of genetics, childbirth, and isolation. She has some of the annoyingly wishy-washy characteristics typical of YA heroines, but she doesn't bother me nearly as much as Tris from Divergent! Two thumbs up for Birthmarked. One thumb up for Prized.
State of Wonder
by Ann Patchett. I really enjoyed most of this one. But there were two big twists (one of which I saw coming) and the other of which completely surprised (and frustrated) me. I was irritated enough with that twist, that it made the other 95% not as good as I thought it had been. One thumb down.
Incidentally, two thumbs up for the Beautiful Mess photo app, which I used to create the image at the top of this post...
What have YOU been reading?
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