August 9, 2013

Currently: What I'm Reading // Laughing At // Wishing // Organizing

Some of my read-aloud recommendations for 5 year olds.
Some of my read-aloud recommendations for 5 year olds.

Currently // 7:59pm
Thinking about // All kinds of things. My brain is buzzing - I just spent the last two days at the Global Leadership Summit. Now I have all kinds of ideas and dreams fighting for attention.
Feeling // Sore. The only downside to the awesomeness of the GLS was the uncomfortableness of the seating options. They definitely weren't meant for pregnant bodies!
Reading // Right now, nothing. I finished Romeo Blue on Wednesday, but I haven't started anything else yet.
Laughing at // Michael Jr. He manages to walk that narrow line between telling jokes that are clean AND genuinely funny. So rare. 
Chuckling at // Eleanor. She's decided that the grout lines in the kitchen tile are algae, and whenever I step on a line, instead of the middle of a tile, she yells "GET OFF THE ALGAE!" 
Wishing // I could sleep better. I've been struggling with insomnia lately. The only plus side is that in the middle of the night I seem to have more creative ideas to post on Facebook. I posted the photo above a few days ago, and got tons of great recommendations from you guys! 
Drinking // Water
Eating // Nothing right now. But I think some mint chocolate chip ice cream might be in order as soon as I'm done with this post!
Watching // Inspector Lewis. I'm only one episode into season 4 on Netflix (sadly seasons 1 - 3 aren't available), but I'm already hooked. And Noel and I are waiting impatiently for new episodes of Luther and Longmire
Organizing // the bookshelves in Eleanor's room. A friend is picking up some Ikea boxes for me, and then another vlog may actually be in order. I haven't done any vlogs since we moved to this house.
Pinterest-stalking // Nursery ideas. I think we wanna go with an alphabet theme. But I'm still feeling rather undecided.  I'd better get my act together soon though, we only have about 10 more weeks!
Currently // 8:24pm

I hit 29 weeks this week.

 What are YOU currently doing?