October 24, 2014

31 Days of Book Pics: Day 24 - Choosing Books [A Link-Up!]

I'm actually not much of a book browser. Because of the time constraints of reading books for review, I have to be selective about what I read for fun. And also, I feel like when I randomly browse a bookstore or the library, I often end up disappointed in what I choose.

So I usually choose books by reading book blogs and Goodreads reviews and finding highly recommended books. Then I go on the library website, and reserve them. That way when stopping at the library with two squirrelly children, I just have to swoop by the hold shelves and grab my holds. It makes the whole process fast and easy!

How do YOU choose books? Answer in the comments, or link-up your own posts below.

Unfamiliar with 31 Days? Here's my post explaining all the details of my 31 Days of Book Pics Project. Find all of my #31bookpics here. And don't forget to share your own Choosing Books pics online with the hashtag #31bookpics!