January 15, 2013

Short and Tweet: Six Books I Never Reviewed in 2012

I've been meaning to do some sort of catch-up post, to mention some of the books I loved in 2012, but never got around to reviewing. Then I saw that Anne from Modern Mrs. Darcy was planning a "Twitterature" link-up, so I decided that it was the perfect time to do some tweet reviews (aka reviews of 140 characters or less).

Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
Poison! Magic! Handsome assassins! Loved the debut in this YA trilogy... admired Yelena's kick-butt-ness even if she was sometimes dense.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Oh Mr. Rochester. Oh Jane. So annoying on several levels, yet so irresistibly loveable on others. Wanted to smack St. John though.

The Stonecutter by Camilla Lackberg
So good & so creepy. Enthralled when I finally realized how 1920s story enmeshed w/ modern one. ADORED the main characters - Erika is me!

No Mark Upon Her by Deborah Crombie
Uh oh. Have blazed through these too quickly... all caught up now! What will I do without my Duncan & Gemma fix? How long till next book?!

My Berlin Kitchen by Luisa Weiss
Love Luisa's blog, really enjoyed the book. A complicated love story, accompanied by delicious recipes. Makes me want to go to Berlin!

Theater Shoes by Noel Streatfeild.
Yet another lovely book by Streatfeild. (Why is her name spelled so oddly though??) Sorrel, Mark, and Holly are sweet, resilient kids.

Care to share a tweet-review of your current read?

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