I love re-reading* favorite books. There's something so comfortable about it - like hanging out with an old friend. There's nothing better than browsing along in a bookstore or at the library, and spotting a well-loved title.
Some of my favorite books to reread?
- L.M. Montgomery's books - Anne of Green Gables, The Blue Castle, Emily of New Moon. I love them all. And I feel oddly nostalgic for Prince Edward Island, even though I've never been there, just because I've read Montgomery's books so many times!
- Georgette Heyer's books - I can't tell you how many times I've read The Grand Sophy or Frederica or Charity Girl. And yet they still make me chuckle each time I read them again. They're so comforting, and re-reading a Heyer title is a sure-fire way to get myself out of a book rut.
- Harry Potter - I've been rereading the series every three years or so, and they just get better and better. I love getting to live in the magical Potter world again and again. I think Maggie Stiefvater's Raven Cycle will end up this way too. I reread the first two in anticipation of Blue Lily, Lily Blue last year, and I think I'll re-read the first three before The Raven King this September.
I asked on Facebook what some of your favorites for re-reading are. Here are a few of the responses:
- Angi rereads The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as Nancy Drew books and The Stand.
- Elise likes to read Beauty by Robin McKinley, Yolen's Briar Rose, the Percy Jackson series and Sarah Dessen's books.
- Amanda likes to reread Gone with the Wind and she agrees with me that L.M. Montgomery is great for rereading.
- One of Jenni's favorites is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
- Lloyd says he doesn't have time to re-read.
How about you? What are your favorites?
Do you re-read often?
*I'm pretty sure rereading is actually correct, but somehow it makes my eyes cross. So I often use re-reading instead. Or really, I think I use re-reading for the present tense, and reread for the past. Hmmm.
Want to re-read (or reread) some of the books I mentioned? The Blue Castle
is just $0.99 for Kindle, and The Lord of the Rings: 50th Anniversary, One Vol. Edition
is under $12 right now. Shop those links, and I'll earn a few cents on the transaction - thanks for supporting Quirky Bookworm!
Want to re-read (or reread) some of the books I mentioned? The Blue Castle