January 27, 2013

What I'm Into: Late January



This is the part of year where I love Tucson. I know that in about six weeks it'll top 90, and I'll be cranky for the next eight months - so I'm loving it while I can. We've been eating several meals a day outside, playing at the park, and generally reveling in the 70 degree temps.


I'm listening to 11/22/63. It's THIRTY discs long. I've listened to seven, and I'm loving it so far! Which I never thought I'd say about Stephen King book, but hey, I guess any author can surprise you. I still haven't been reading much print-wise though. I think it's avoidance syndrome; I'm slacking on Anna Karenina, but I feel guilty when I read anything else, so thus I don't read.


Since I'm not reading as much, I've been managing to keep up on Castle, Biggest Loser, Once Upon a Time, Modern Family AND Fringe every week! That's almost 6 hours a week, which is basically record-setting for me. Noel and I are almost done with Fringe - only three episodes till the series finale. I'm so curious to see how they finally wrap up this complicated show! When Fringe is done, we may start watching Sherlock. Or maybe The Following? I'm not sure, but we need a new show that we both like.


As part of my New Year's Resolutions I've been exercising for at least 30 minutes a day. It was torturous at first, but surprisingly I'm getting to the point where I kind of like it. And I've lost about 10 lbs so far this year, woohoo! I've done the Biggest Loser Boot Camp video a lot, and ouch. Ouch. Ouch.


Since I lost weight, I decided to try some new clothing. I heard about Stitch Fix from Anne, so I signed up for it. My first Fix should be arriving in the mail in about 3 days! I can't wait! If you're interested in signing up for one yourself, you can use this link and I'll get a $25 credit.


Well, I'm not the one into football. But Noel's been a 49ers fan since he was about 7, and he is beyond excited that they made it to the Super Bowl. He taught Eleanor to say "Go Colin Kaepernick!" and she sits and watches the games with him, saying things like "I like the shiny yellow helmets." "Pass the ball!" "Go Kaepernick!" Cracks me up.

Phone Games

I'm still addicted to Gems with Friends and Matching with Friends... such fun! But I've also started playing Phrase Friends, which is essentially Wheel of Fortune. I'm Jessestblonde on any of the above, if you play them too. And I downloaded this Mr. Potato Head app for Eleanor that's actually kind of fun. I may or may not have made a ballerina Mr. Potato Head the other day.

What are YOU into?
What show would you recommend for us?