March 1, 2013

Anna Karenina, Ticket to Ride, and Blueberries

Gratuitous picture of Eleanor and my niece and nephew, because I can't resist the cuteness.

Hey there - just a friendly little reminder that the Anna Karenina/Wuthering Heights link-up closes on Sunday night. So if you're planning on linking up reviews for the Classics Catch-Up Challenge, you've got about 48 hours to get them written!

On the reading front, I'm obsessed, obsessed with 11/22/63. To the extent that I keep finding pointless things to do, so that I have an excuse to listen. (Or I just play games on my phone while listening.) Because somehow sitting and listening to an audiobook if I'm not cleaning or exercising seems like a waste of time. But listening to an audiobook while playing Gems with Friends or Ticket to Ride? Totally multitasking, and therefore "productive".

I've been having trouble focusing on print books though - because I just keep wanting to get back to 11/22/63. 21 discs down, 9 to go!

Tomorrow I'm hosting a women's event for our church, so I'm off to make some deliciously decadent blueberry buckle

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

What do YOU have planned this weekend?