July 8, 2015

The Best Books of The Year (So Far)

Quirky Bookworm: The Best Books of The Year (So Far): 9 Titles I Loved, including Historical Fiction, Mystery, Nonfiction, and more.

2015 is more than halfway over! I read 80 books in the first half of the year. (Well, I finished 79. I'm also counting The Martian because I started it in June, and I wanted an even number.)

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. Oh Rainbow. I love your books. SO MUCH. I sum them all up here. I particulary liked the friendship between Jennifer and Beth that's featured in Attachments. Runner up: Crazy Little Thing by Tracy Brogan.

Best Mystery
Gun Street Girl by Adrian McKinty. Set during the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland. I really enjoyed the noir-ishness, and the darkly funny Irish setting. Lines from it keep popping into my head, even though I read it back in January. Runner up: Fallout by Paul Thomas.

Best Nonfiction
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Oh man is this one intense. I cautiously recommend it - it's a great read, but there's a LOT of violence. What he endured is unbelievable. Runner Up: Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick.

Most Romantic
The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan. Such fun, especially if you're a royal watcher. Read more of my ravings about The Royal We here. Runner up: The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley.

Best Science Fiction
The Martian by Andy Weir. This one completely blew me away. Who knew that a book with so much math could be so spectacularly good? Absolutely worth every bit of hype. Runner up: Red Rising by Pierce Brown.

Favorite Audiobook
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. I was literally pacing my house listening to this one, because the suspense was so intense. Caroline Lee is an excellent narrator (I love Australian accents!), and this title was pitch perfect on audio. Runners Up: Fool's Fate by Robin Hobb, narrated by James Langton, The Martian by Andy Weird, narrated by R.C. Bray.

Best Historical(ish) Fiction
The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. I've read a ton of Susanna Kearsley this year (read my full round-up here), but I really, really enjoyed both the historical and modern day story lines in this one, and the Scottish setting is great. Runner Up: The Siege Winter by Ariana Franklin.

Favorite YA Book
I think I'm going to go with Red Rising by Pierce Brown here. I really enjoyed These Broken Stars and The Winner's Curse too, but there was something so gripping about Darrow's story. (It's kinda Hunger Games meets The Knife of Never Letting Go, with an Irish flavor.) Can't wait for the rest of the trilogy. Runners Up: These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski.

Best Reread
Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster. This is such a great little book. Sweet and charming, and full of pithy advice. So glad I picked it for the #YABMC. Runner-up: Cousin Kate by Georgette Heyer.

And for an overall favorite, I think I might have to go with The Martian! It's hard to know, since I just finished it, and it's fresh in my head, but I think it may end up being my favorite for all of 2015. It's amazing.

What are YOUR favorite books of the year?