I'm belatedly linking up with Sheila for this month's New on the Stack, and I'm also planning to participate in Anne's Quick Lit. Here are the books that are new on my to-read list; with a quick synopsis of each title, where I got it, and why it made it on my list.
The Oregon Trail: A New American Journey
What: A guy and his brother buy some mules and recreate the journey of Oregon settlers from 150 years ago.Where: Bought it on Amazon. Used $14 of my $15 monthly book budget... so it better be great!
Why: I've read several good reviews of it on other blogs.
Bel Canto
What: A book about music and hostages. Strangely, given that it's her most famous title, one of the only Ann Patchett books I haven't read yet.Where: Bought it in an Audible sale the last week of June.
Why: I really enjoy Patchett's writing, and for $5, the audio edition seemed like a good choice.
The Drowning
What: the latest in Camilla Lackberg's Swedish mystery series about Detective Patrik Hedstrom and his wife, author Erica Falk.
Where: Got it for review from Shelf Awareness (it comes out in September)
Why: I looooove Camilla. I can't get enough of this series. Although I've already seen a couple of odd phrases in this one -- "upsy-daisy" instead of oopsy-daisy, etc. Thinking that perhaps it's a translation thing. Do British people say upsy-daisy?
The Key to the Treasure
What: The Liza, Bill, and Jed books are a cute kids' mystery series that I loved as a kid - by the author of the Amelia Bedelia books.
Where: I own an old vintage 1960's edition of this. I'm so tempted to buy the reissues on Amazon though... I only own 2 of the series, and they re-released them all in 2005. (Hey Grandma... Eleanor might want these for Christmas!)
Why: Trying another read-aloud with Eleanor. She's so obsessed with Junie B. Jones and Princess Posey right now, that I can't get her to read anything else. I was thinking that reading aloud to her might help her branch out.
The Paper Magician
What: A YA story about magicians who specialize in one talent; and a girl whose (reluctant) magical medium is paper.Where: Borrowed from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library
Why: It's free, and I've heard this series is fun.
If You Only Knew
What: A fresh start for a divorcee.Where: Another title to review for Shelf Awareness.
Why: Because my editor thought I'd like it. I've never read any Higgins, but I've been enjoying some similar authors lately (Kristin Harmel, Lisa Jewell) so I'm interested to try it.
Little Women
What: You all know what, right?Where: I own a really pretty Easton Press edition of it. Sidenote - have you guys seen those beautiful Puffin in Bloom covers, like the one above? I also love Anne of Green Gables
Why: It's the August pick for the YA Book and Movie Club.
The Highly Sensitive Child
What: A book about parenting highly sensitive children.Where: I put it on hold at the library, hopefully it comes in soon.
Why: I definitely identify as a Highly Sensitive Person... and I'm suspecting that Eleanor is too, since she's so like me. I was thinking perhaps this book might be helpful with some behavioral issues we've had recently.
What's new on YOUR stack?
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