October 11, 2015

31 Days of Book Pics - Day 11 - Book Poetry

Apparently my book collection writes really depressing poems. It's because I like mysteries so much.

Suffer the little children,
kissed a sad goodbye.
The war of the worlds,
when gods die.

Into the darkness
every living thing.
Through a glass, darkly,
now may you weep.

Haha - maybe I need to read more romances! That is downright gloomy.

Got any book poetry of your own?

This is Day 11 of my 31 Days of Book Pics series for 2015. I'd love it if you'd play along on Instagram and Twitter by posting a bookish picture each day of October. Don't forget to hashtag your photos with #31bookpics so that I can find them! Click the image below to find the whole series!