June 10, 2012

Speedreading and Audiobooks

 Ahem. You know how I got all those books in my mailbox?

I've been reading like crazy, and I'm making good progress, hooray! I still need to start The Eyre Affair  for next Sunday's first link-up for the Summer Reading Club, but otherwise I'm feeling a lot better than I was a few days ago. I meant to write another audio review for National Audiobook Month, but I figure that can wait a bit since I'm on a reading roll. And I think for future reference I need to work on scheduling things better so that I don't end up having a bunch of reviews due all at once!

In the meantime, here are a few quick audiobook* recommendations:
And, just out of curiosity, let's talk about reading speeds for a minute. I can finish an average fiction book in about 2-3 hours. I'd say I read about 2.5 pages a minute for light fiction, 2 pages a minute when I'm reading for review, 1.5 for nonfiction. It's part of what makes my goal of reading 150 books this year possible.

How fast do you read? Are you a procrastinator too?

*(Audiobook? Audio book? I'm just not sure about the proper spacing.)