August 12, 2012

Inspiration and Redesign (I need YOUR help!)

I spent all day Thursday and Friday at the Willow Creek Association Global Leadership Summit. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the GLS, it's a simulcast that includes an assortment of Christian and business leaders speaking about leadership and global change. Speakers this year included Condoleezza Rice, Jim Collins, and Bill Hybels. I've never attended, and was a little skeptical ahead of time, but I was pleasantly surprised by how inspirational it was, and how much I got out of it.

These two quotes particularly stood out to me:
 "The true signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency." - Jim Collins
"If you delegate tasks, you create followers. If you delegate authority, you create leaders." - Craig Groeschel
I think the second applies more to my volunteer work at our church and in the community; but the first definitely applies to my goals to grow this blog and do more freelance book reviewing and writing. My current gig for Shelf Awareness completely depends on my reliability, and it's a nice reminder that often the first step to success is consistency.

In related news to blog-growing, I'm working on making things more searchable and user-friendly. Since my first blogiversary is coming up soon (and yes! I lined up 2 awesome giveaways, stay tuned for those!), I've realized that I've written a LOT of book reviews now. I'm making some pages to group those better, so that it's easier to find old reviews.

To refresh your memory, till a few days ago the tabs included things like "Oldies but Goodies" "History by Three" and "Kid Picks", but I have a lot of reviews that don't fit into those categories.

So I made some new ones, and moved some things around. I'm currently constructing a "Reviews by Genre" page.

Right now it's a little boring, but my friend Chris (who made the header for me) is working on some awesome graphics for some buttons. So soon it should look all fancy-schmancy!

But the part I'm not sure about is the tab I called "Bookworm Life". It doesn't look how I want it to look. (If you're reading this post in a reader by the way, you should click through to see what I'm talking about).

I was trying to find a way to link to old posts that I like that aren't straight-up book reviews. I think "Bookworm Life" is probably a good name for the tab... but the page itself is too cluttered. Here's where I need your help, since, after all, you guys are the one reading this blog!

Should I leave it basically as is, and just force myself to cut it back to only 8 or 10 links? Should I group things under headings? Like maybe "Reading Habits" or "More about Me" or "Reading Goals"? 

Which would you prefer? Or do you have another suggestion?