August 23, 2012

You Googled What?!

I'm totally copying this idea from a post by Megan of Sorta Crunchy. She wrote about all the random things people googled to end up at her blog, and it made me laugh out loud. I don't think mine are quite as funny, but I still thought you'd get a kick out of some of them.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that people keep getting to Quirky Bookworm by googling "Pride and Prejudice is overrated". Alas - for me it was just an April Fools' joke, but I'm afraid that some of these people are serious.

Here are a handful of the other random searches that bring people to Quirky Bookworm:

go dog go text

Probably because of this rant. I'm glad you're searching for this! The answer is: don't buy the board book version!

beauty and the beast quotes/ beauty and the beast library/ beast's library/ beauty and the beast books

 I guess there are a lot of other library-loving Disney-philes out there. Welcome!

hot/naked blonde moms

I think you're in the wrong place. Note that the blog's subtitle is "the LITERARY adventures of a sorta blonde mom".

where to get rid of books.

Luckily I have tips for you!

bookworms love reading

Um, yes. They do.

140 character book reviews

I've done a couple of posts with tweet-style reviews. Maybe it's time to do some more.

antoinette carew

Ok, I do read cheesy romance novels at Christmas. You caught me.

best books, so far, 2012/ best books I've read this year 2012/ best books of 2012 so far/ best books I've read/ coolest books ive read

Here are the 10 best books I read from January-June this year. And here are the best books of 2011, if you're curious.

quirky bookworm playing dead

I was a little disturbed by this one, till I remembered that I reviewed a book named Playing Dead. Phew.

how to fold pages in books

Well, I would say that you're not very bright if you can't figure out how to fold down a book page. But I think maybe you're not just a very good Googler, since I also have gotten things like "how to fold pages in a book to make art" "how to fold a book into art" "how to make book art" and "art from book pages". I'm thinking you're looking for something like these suggestions

modern family made me cry

I'm so embarrassed. But you're in the right place.

quarky bookworm/ quirkey bookworm/ quirky jessica/ quirky books/ jessica quirky bookworm/ quirk bookworm

Yay! I'm glad you found me.

I was thinking that people google some random stuff; but then I just looked at our google search history, and the Cs reveal: 'carpe diem vita brevis' 'closing ceremonies nbc tucson' 'cost of epoxy floor garage' 'craig groeschel books' and 'culvers'. Anyone want to guess which searches were mine, and which were Noel's?

Have you googled anything funny lately? 
Fellow bloggers - any hilarious traffic sources?