Owen Laukkanen reunites the team of FBI agent Carla Windermere and Kirk Stevens of Minnesota's Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (from 2012's The Professionals
Criminal Enterprise is a fast-paced thriller that keeps the reader guessing as Stevens and Windermere narrow in on the robbers' identities. Adding to the tension are alternating chapters told from the point of view of the main bank robber--detailing his transformation from an ordinary businessman into something much more deadly.
Laukkanen has done an excellent job creating an entirely plausible criminal--a man who would do anything to protect his family. The heightening tension of the escalating crimes keeps the pages turning, making the reader eager to see just how far things may go. Set in a vividly cold Minnesota winter, Criminal Enterprise
I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this one. It seemed like a pretty generic thriller at first glance, but it was well-written, and I was fascinated by the bad guy's evolution from a typical family man into a vicious killer.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Should I recommend this to my grandma? Possibly not. There are a couple of scenes with a lot of language/violence.
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I originally wrote this review for Shelf Awareness. This post contains affiliate links.