October 18, 2014

31 Days of Book Pics: Day Eighteen - Books + Drinks

I'm pretty excited about both of these recent acquisitions. I'm not a wine drinker, but I love fancy sodas that come in wine-type bottles. And, an audiobook about the making of The Princess Bride?* With guest parts by all the major cast members? What's not to love?!

The girls are sick (cue my dejected "Again!"), and having to do extra cleaning and deal with whiny children, all while short on sleep, makes me not-exactly-the-world's-most-patient-mom.

So I'm planning a little soda-and-audiobook mini-break at some point this weekend. Hooray!

Are YOU a Princess Bride fan?

Unfamiliar with 31 Days? Here's my post explaining all the details of my 31 Days of Book Pics Project. Find all of my #31bookpics here. Find me on Instagram here. And don't forget to share your own Books & Drinks pics online with the hashtag #31bookpics!

*I was sent a copy of this audiobook for review. I'm not sure if it's good or not, I'll keep you posted once I start it.