October 15, 2014

31 Days of Book Pics: Day Fifteen - Favorite Reading Place

I love reading in the ugly old recliner in the corner of our dining room. We originally put the chair there so that I'd have a comfy nursing spot near the table, and I could still keep Noel and Eleanor company at meals if the baby suddenly needed to eat right that moment. And since for about the first 8 months of her life she would only nap if I was holding her, I spent a lot of time reading in that chair while she dozed on my shoulder.

I sit there less nowadays, but I still love it! The lamp is perfectly positioned, and I can see out into the backyard to keep an eye on Eleanor's shenanigans.

What's YOUR favorite reading place?

Unfamiliar with 31 Days? Here's my post explaining all the details of my 31 Days of Book Pics Project. Find all of my #31bookpics here. Find me on Instagram here. And don't forget to share your own Fave Reading Place pics online with the hashtag #31bookpics!