October 5, 2014

31 Days of Book Pics: Day Five - Breakfast + Books

We had breakfast for dinner last night. Bacon + eggs + pretzel bun = amazingness! I feel guilty posting a pic with a paper plate, but the dishwasher was running, and we'd washed a huge pile of stuff that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher, and I couldn't face one more dirty plate. So there you have it: my ugly but delicious dinner!

I've been slowly working my way through Hyperbole and a Half; it's the perfect book to sit and read one or two stories out of when you need a laugh!

I love breakfast for dinner. How about you?

Unfamiliar with 31 Days? Here's my post explaining all the details of my 31 Days of Book Pics Project. Find all of my #31bookpics here. And don't forget to share your own Breakfast + Books pics online with the hashtag #31bookpics!