July 23, 2015

YA Book & Movie Club Update: The Summer Reads

It's been a while since I've done an update on what we've been reading in the YABMC.

The May selection was Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster. The June books were If I Stay and Where She Went, by Gayle Forman. This month we're reading Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell, and next month is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

I really enjoyed re-reading Daddy-Long-Legs - and I feel like I noticed more of the philosophical sentiments in it than I had in the past. Judy is such a plucky, sensible girl, and it's such a sweet little story. We watched the 1950s version of the movie with Leslie Caron and Fred Astaire, and it was pretty terrible. Then we watched the 1919 version - a silent film, starring Mary Pickford, which was surprisingly good! Ridiculous, and full of funny pratfalls, but definitely more entertaining than the other one.

A quote from Jean Webster's Daddy-Long-Legs - meeting the petty hazards of the day with a laugh. // YA Book & Movie Club Update: The Summer Reads / Quirky Bookworm

If I Stay and Where She Went aren't particularly amazing, but they're both entertaining and sad, which is sometimes the perfect combination if you're in the mood for a good cry. They're nice quick reads, and I like the musical themes. I'm waaaay down the waitlist for the movie of If I Stay at the library though, so I'll have to update you on that later.

Eleanor & Park was great even though I'd read it just 2 years ago. I listened to it on audio this time, and noticed the precision of Rowell's writing a little more I think. I was thinking of watching some sort of 80s movie to fully capture the vibe, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Little Women is always a good reread, and I own the Winona Ryder version of the movie, which I love. So next month should be a fun pick! I'm excited to introduce the classic to more people, since there are a few in the group who haven't read it before.

What's YOUR book club reading?