Seriously. I can't stop watching them.
- Or laughing about Jon Stewart's fake Olympic spoilers. Check #FakeSpoiler on Twitter for absolute hilarity! If you can't read the picture above, I think my favorites are: "IOC announces it will combine archery and gymnastics, 'to see what happens.'" and "Fencer indicted for receiving, selling stolen goods."
- According to The Guardian, a combination of The Hunger Games and Olympic records being broken has caused a spike in interest in archery. Apparently archery is now "cool", thanks to Katniss!
- Did you know that Hermione Granger was almost Hermione Puckle? And Nancy Drew was almost Stella Strong or Helen Hale? I love this list of the names that famous literary characters almost had!
- And, thanks to Shelf Awareness for linking up to this post, where a six-year-old judges books by their covers. (I've never even thought to ask Eleanor which is better in my Judging Book Covers posts!) The six-year-old describes Slaughterhouse Five as "