August 31, 2012

Survey Results: What You Want to See

Eleanor reading in the "book tent" I made her.
This is the very last survey-related post, cross my heart 'n' hope to die. I split it up into a couple of posts since I wanted to include your responses, and I didn't want to write the world's longest post about it.

I was happy that everyone unanimously agreed that 4 posts a week was the perfect number of posts. But then Noel pointed out that no one would say they wanted more or less, because they wouldn't want to hurt my feelings. Ah well, I'm gonna assume you guys are truthful folk, and that you do love things the way you are. As I mentioned Sunday though, based on your feedback I am planning to start a weekly (or bi-weekly?) "What I'm Reading" feature.

I also liked a few of the other suggestions I got in response to "Are there any new topics/features you'd like me to talk about?"

Am quite recent subscriber and pleased with what I have seen so far.  Delighted to have found you! 
(Aw shucks, thanks!)

Not that I can think of right now.  I really enjoy the wide range of book related things you blog about it...keeps it fun and interesting!
(Seriously, I'm blushing over here.)

I think you do a great job covering many topics! I give your blog an A +
(Ok, enough with the flattering answers. On to the other suggestions.)

(Thanks Noel. Maybe I'll read a graphic novel one of these days...)

Nonfiction? ;)
(Yeah, I know, things are fiction heavy around here. Sorry, that's how I roll read.)

You could do a Casting feature, where you write about who you'd cast in a film version of a favorite book.
(I LOVE this idea. Noel is a huge movie buff - I may enlist his help on this project. I'd love to make it a semi-frequent feature).

I really enjoy your audiobook reviews and would enjoy more of those.
(Oh really? Good to hear! I was a bit worried I was beating the audio book drum to death.)

The more you talk about Noel the better!
(Haha. Well, he's been mentioned four times in this post. Enough for you?)

What books are *hot* right now and if they might be worth reading.
(Hm, this is trickier, because I tend to avoid reading "hot" books. It's the contrarian in me - I never read The Babysitters Club or R.L. Stine for the same reason.)

I'm new here, but I enjoyed your recent post about "What I'm Into This Month." The occasional addition of music, food, TV, and film help enrich my understanding of the stories that you have enjoyed and the stories that you are discovering.
(I hadn't thought about it that way -- but it makes a lot of sense! I'll try and include more of my other likes, in addition to books.)

Discuss fiction v. nonfiction, maybe a few more children's books, although I know you have done the series of "three" posts including children's books.
(I realized I've been slacking on the kid posts lately. Don't worry, I've got a few planned!)

Now's your chance! 
Any other suggestions for me?

P.S. The giveaways of The Making of Us and The Joy Brigade are still open through Monday! Go comment to enter to win.