The Afrika Reich by Guy Saville. This is an interesting alternate history thriller - set in Africa about 10 years after Hitler's forces won WWII. Burton Cole was sent to assassinate the leader of Nazi Afrika, but things went terribly awry, and he has to flee across the continent. I'm reading it for Shelf Awareness - and it's one of the things I love about reviewing for them. I end up reading all kinds of stuff I wouldn't normally read. [Edit: although it is awfully violent, shudder. I had bad dreams last night.]
I'm also excited to be starting Anna Karenina! I feel like I need to hurry and read it before I lose any of my momentum for the challenge. I can't decide if tackling it in small chunks, or trying to read it all at once is better.
And yeah, I'm theoretically still working on Into Thin Air too. But I haven't read any of it since before New Year's. I'm hoping to get rolling on it again though.
What are YOU reading so far in 2013?
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