Considering that Eleanor is in school for 9 hours a week, it's amazing how much we talk/think about it. She tells me about her day, I plan what errands Juliet and I will run without her, I have to make sure her red school shirt is clean on Wednesdays, we have to send teddy bears for teddy bear picnic day, etc. Also, she keeps saying "Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me." Amazing how some things never change. I remember that phrase so vividly from my school days.Jam
I made homemade jam for the first time 3 weeks ago, and promptly made another batch 2 weeks ago. It is amazing how much better it is than storebought jam; even the expensive/natural kinds of storebought jam! I will NOT share with you how many slices of toast and jam I have eaten in the last few weeks...
We are escaping next week to cooler climes -- hitting Show Low and Flagstaff, and reveling in the mountainous/forested part of Arizona. And just in time; highs here next week are supposed to be hovering around 100 every day, but highs in Northern Arizona are only in the upper 70s. Bliss. (Also: it's crazy to look back at pics from our last trip to Show Low, 15 months ago. E was so little! And J was just a teeny tiny 20 week peanut in my belly.)
I can't tell you how happy my Reading Habits survey results made me. 75 people participated, and I had such fun compiling pie charts of the results. I'm also planning a bookish Venn diagram post for next week - stay tuned! Oh, and speaking of next week: the next #bookwormproblems link-up is next Friday, the 5th.
Podcasts/ Music
I've been really loving both of Kat Lee's podcasts - Inspired to Action (inspiration for motherhood) and How They Blog (about improving your blog). Plus I added The Bowery Boys into my regular rotation. So fun. And, although I definitely have mixed Amazon feelings in the wake of Hachette, etc, we still have an Amazon Prime membership. I just discovered the Amazon Prime Music app, and the girls and I have been having some pretty great dance parties in the kitchen. Go Fish
I blazed through the Legend
I also renewed my Audible account, and started with downloads of Outlander
Noel and I haven't really branched out too much on the tv front. We finished season 2 of Longmire (so sad to hear A&E cancelled it!), we're working our way through Justified, and we're re-watching Modern Family. We tried The Following, but lost interest by episode 3. I'm excited for new shows this fall, though -- interested to see where Once Upon a Time is headed!
What are YOU into?
Planning to link up with Leigh Kramer's What I'm Into series!