April 8, 2016

How TWWW Is Ruining My Reading Life

If you follow me on Facebook, I revealed my guilty secret yesterday... I haven't read a book in 2 weeks! There are several reasons for that: 

  • I've had trouble getting into a couple of books I've started.
  • My sister is staying with us right now, and we've had a couple of evenings of long conversation (instead of book reading). 
  • But mainly, I started listening to The West Wing Weekly Podcast. I was so excited when I heard it was coming out (coincidentally right after I'd rewatched the pilot episode of West Wing). And listening to the podcast has inspired me to keep rewatching... I may or may not have binged 18 episodes in the last two weeks.
So, sorry guys, nothing new to report on the book front. I'll send you the finest (virtual) muffins and bagels in all the land to make up for it!

If you are a West Wing fan, you should absolutely check out TWWW podcast. It's so fun! And if you aren't a West Wing fan, what's wrong with you?! Start watching now! It's such a lovely antidote to the actual political scene this year...

Are you a West Wing fan?