December 18, 2013

#bookwormproblems - the link-up!

Quirky Bookworm: the #bookwormproblems linkup - Readers share stories of their book-related problems, and embarrassing book moments.

Today I'm 31! And, I'm having a link-up party to celebrate. Link up your posts about your bookworm problems to join the fun!

When I originally posted about #bookwormproblems I got some great stories in the comments, so I thought I'd share a few.

I was reading another book by JoJo Moyes, and Jim was sitting there watching football. I started sobbing and he said, "Are you that upset that RGIII (quarterback of the Redskins) had an interception?!!! -- Jill from Rhapsody in Books

Once someone asked for my Driver's license number and without hesitation I rattled off my library card number. It was hard to explain. -- Cheryl E

I was in the middle of the grocery store listening to an audiobook which up until then had been a bit dull when out of the blue, two characters decided to rip off their clothes and well, you know. I thought I did a good job of wearing a poker face while shopping for my groceries but after about ten minutes the characters were still um, busy, so I switched to some music. -- Slackerjo

I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one who runs out of shelf space, forgets to take a book for waiting in the doctor's office, or cries in silly places about what I'm reading!

In fact, here's another dilemma of mine: the ever-changing shelf spacing.

Quirky Bookworm: the #bookwormproblems linkup - Readers share stories of their book-related problems, and embarrassing book moments.

I loaned my Bayern books to my sister, and she had them for a few months. In the meantime I bought more YA books, and now my YA shelf is overfull! I hate sideways books. So do I put them with another genre? Or kick another author out?

And see that little gap? It's because a friend has Emerald Green. So I'm trying my hardest to leave that spot open, but usually I forget, and another book will get put there, and then I'll have even more books sideways on the top. And, how do I get Eleanor to stop sticking random things everywhere?? (I didn't even notice those bracelets were there till I was editing this picture, ha.)

Now it's your turn: link up your #bookwormproblems below! Or, share your funny stories in the comments.