Somewhat bizarrely, for the first time in my life I think, I got zero books for Christmas! Crazy, right? (I did however get an Audible gift subscription, an Amazon giftcard, and a book sculpture for my birthday. So perhaps my friends and family have decided that birthdays are more bookish than Christmas.)
But the girls both got some books, and I bought myself a few books the week after Christmas, so I thought I'd share. Because if a book is good enough for me to spend money on it, and let it take up space in my house, it's definitely a book I recommend!
We gave Juliet Dog
for Christmas. She is completely enthralled. It has soft dogs and bristly dogs, pull tabs, and flaps to lift, and I think I've already read it to her at least a hundred times. (By the way, we also own Heads
and Tails
from the same author, and they're all great!)
My parents gave Eleanor The Book with No Pictures
. It's written by a guy from The Office and it's really funny. And bonus - although usually Eleanor wants to read books herself these days, she loves having this one read to her, since it makes the reader say silly stuff out loud.
I bought myself used copies of the first four Heroes of Olympus books at Bookmans, and used that Amazon gift card to order The Blood of Olympus
, which should be here soon! My only complaint is the beat-up nature of The Son of Neptune paperback. I might have to keep an eye out, and try and get the hardback instead. I know it's silly, but I just like it better when all my books match!
What books have YOU received or purchased lately?
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