October 25, 2015

31 Days of Book Pics - Day 25 - Wild Books

Someday I will hopefully get to go on some wild adventures of my own. But for now, armchair traveling will have to suffice. Someday I hope to visit Australia, New Zealand, China, Northern Africa, and lots more of Europe than I've already been to!

Bill Bryson is my favorite travel writer for sure, but I love Tony Horwitz too! And I keep meaning to read that Adam Gopnik book...

Who's YOUR favorite travel writer?

This is Day 25 of my 31 Days of Book Pics series for 2015. I'd love it if you'd play along on Instagram and Twitter by posting a bookish picture each day of October. Don't forget to hashtag your photos with #31bookpics so that I can find them! Click the image below to find the whole series!