- The top book, which has a blank spine, is a review copy of Charles Todd's The Walnut Tree: A Holiday Tale
, to review for Shelf Awareness. This should be fun, since I'm a Charles Todd fan.
- Next is The Borrowers
, for my not-so-secret secret October project.
- Next is Betsy-Tacy
, ditto.
- Then Fire Study
, which I waited for from the library for ages. I'm so excited to continue this series! Great young adult fantasy.
- Then, Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power
to review for Shelf Awareness.
- And finally, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
, about which Anne and I got sidetracked. But we're getting back on track, and hopefully will be done with the synchro-read soon.
I'm also quite proud of myself because Necessary as Blood and No Mark Upon Her aren't in that pile. I took back the two Deborah Crombies I'd requested from the library, unread. It felt very grown-up, to say "Nope, I already have enough fun reading for the vacation, I need to finish some review reading."
Plus, they're the last two in the series, and I'll be oh-so-sad when I'm caught up. So it's just as well to delay the inevitable a bit.
How many books do you take on vacation?
Or are you all e-readers?
Or are you all e-readers?
P.S. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Speaking of Amazon, I just looked up Fire Study, and realized it's book three in the Study series, not book two. D'oh!! I should've kept a Deborah Crombie after all!